Comparison of different cover crop mulches and extracts on inhibition of crop and weed growth
- Publikations-Art
- Kongressbeitrag
- Autoren
- Sturm D.J., Gerhards R.
- Erscheinungsjahr
- 2016
- Veröffentlicht in
- Proceedings of the 27th German Conference of Weed Biology and Weed Control
- Herausgeber
- Julius-Kühn-Archiv
- Band/Volume
- 452/
- 10.5073/jka.2016.452.056
- Seite (von - bis)
- 424-430
- Tagungsort
- Braunschweig, Germany
Weed suppression of cover crops is a result of competition for light, space, water and nutrients and the release of allelochemicals in the soil. Two laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to analyse biochemical effects of extracts and mulches of Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn., Raphanus sativus var. oleiformis Pers. and a cover crop mixture on germination and plant growth of the crop plants maize (Zea mays L.) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris var. altissima Döll.) and the weeds Chenopodium album L., Matricaria chamomilla L. and Stellaria media (L.) Vill.. In the first experiment, aqueous cover crop extracts were applied on crop and weed seeds in germination assays. Germination rate, mean germination time and root length of crops and weeds were measured. In experiment 2, the influence of cover crop mulch on germination rate and dry weight of the test plants was determined after a period of 21 days. Significant reductions of the root length for all test plants were observed in experiment 1. Additionally, mean germination time was extended for crops and weeds by all cover crops. Germination rate and dry matter of crops and weeds were decreased significantly in experiment 2 compared to the untreated control. Root length, germination rate and mean germination time in germination tests in experiment 1 were found to be correlated with biomass of crops and weeds in experiment 2. This work reveals the important role of biochemical effects on weed
suppression by cover crops.