

Alagbo, O., M. Spaeth, M. Saile, M. Schumacher, and R. Gerhards. 2022. "Weed Management in Ridge Tillage Systems—A Review." Agronomy 12 (4). doi:10.3390/agronomy12040910. 

Allmendinger, A., M. Spaeth, M. Saile, G. G. Peteinatos, and R. Gerhards. 2022. "Precision Chemical Weed Management Strategies: A Review and a Design of a New CNN-Based Modular Spot Sprayer." Agronomy 12 (7). doi:10.3390/agronomy12071620. 

Gerhards, R., D. Andújar Sanchez, P. Hamouz, G. G. Peteinatos, S. Christensen, and C. Fernandez-Quintanilla. 2022. "Advances in Site-Specific Weed Management in agriculture—A Review." Weed Research 62 (2): 123-133. doi:10.1111/wre.12526. 

Gerhards, R., M. H. Messelhäuser, and B. Sievernich. 2022. "Suppressing Alopecurus Myosuroides in Winter Cereals by Delayed Sowing and Pre-Emergence Herbicides." Plant, Soil and Environment 68 (6): 290-298. doi:10.17221/118/2022-PSE. 

Messelhäuser, M. H., M. Saile, B. Sievernich, and R. Gerhards. 2022. "Exploring the Effects of Different Stubble Tillage Practices and Glyphosate Application Combined with the New Soil Residual Herbicide Cinmethylin Against Alopecurus Myosuroides Huds. in Winter Wheat." Agronomy 12 (1). doi:10.3390/agronomy12010167.

Saile, M., M. Spaeth, and R. Gerhards. 2022. "Evaluating Sensor-Based Mechanical Weeding Combined with Pre-and Post-Emergence Herbicides for Integrated Weed Management in Cereals." Agronomy 12 (6). doi:10.3390/agronomy12061465. 

Zhou, L., B. Hülsemann, W. Merkle, J. Guo, R. Dong, H. -P Piepho, R. Gerhards, J. Müller, and H. Oechsner. 2022. "Erratum to: Influence of Anaerobic Digestion Processes on the Germination of Weed Seeds (Gesunde Pflanzen, (2020), 72, 2, (181-194), 10.1007/s10343-020-00500-y)." Gesunde Pflanzen 74 (1): 237. doi:10.1007/s10343-021-00600-3. 


Gerhards, R., F. N. Ouidoh, A. Adjogboto, V. A. P. Avohou, B. L. S. Dossounon, A. K. D. Adisso, A. Heyn, M. Messelhäuser, H. -J Santel, and H. Oebel. 2021. "Crop Response to Leaf and Seed Applications of the Biostimulant Comcat® Under Stress Conditions." Agronomy 11 (6). doi:10.3390/agronomy11061161. 

Gerhards, R., M. Späth, M. Sökefeld, G. G. Peteinatos, A. Nabout, and V. Rueda Ayala. 2021. "Automatic Adjustment of Harrowing Intensity in Cereals using Digital Image Analysis." Weed Research 61 (1): 68-77. doi:10.1111/wre.12458. 

Jackenkroll, M., G. Peteinatos, B. Kollenda, R. Mink, and R. Gerhards. 2021. "Optimizing Precision Agricultural Operations by Standardized Cloud-Based Functions." Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 19 (4). doi:10.5424/sjar/2021194-17774. 

Linn, A. I., A. K. Zeller, E. E. Pfündel, and R. Gerhards. 2021. "Features and Applications of a Field Imaging Chlorophyll Fluorometer to Measure Stress in Agricultural Plants." Precision Agriculture 22 (3): 947-963. doi:10.1007/s11119-020-09767-7. 

Machleb, J., G. G. Peteinatos, M. Sökefeld, and R. Gerhards. 2021. "Sensor-Based Intrarow Mechanical Weed Control in Sugar Beets with Motorized Finger Weeders." Agronomy 11 (8). doi:10.3390/agronomy11081517. 

Messelhäuser, M. H., A. I. Linn, A. Mathes, B. Sievernich, and R. Gerhards. 2021. "Development of an Agar Bioassay Sensitivity Test in Alopecurus Myosuroides for the Pre-Emergence Herbicides Cinmethylin and Flufenacet." Agronomy 11 (7). doi:10.3390/agronomy11071408. 

Messelhäuser, M. H., M. Saile, B. Sievernich, and R. Gerhards. 2021. "Effect of Cinmethylin Against Alopecurus Myosuroides Huds. in Winter Cereals." Plant, Soil and Environment 67 (1): 46-54. doi:10.17221/586/2020-PSE. 

Naruhn, G. -P, G. G. Peteinatos, A. F. Butz, K. Möller, and R. Gerhards. 2021. "Efficacy of various Mechanical Weeding methods—single and in combination—in Terms of Different Field Conditions and Weed Densities." Agronomy 11 (10). doi:10.3390/agronomy11102084. 

Spaeth, M., M. Schumacher, and R. Gerhards. 2021. "Comparing Sensor-Based Adjustment of Weed Harrowing Intensity with Conventional Harrowing Under Heterogeneous Field Conditions." Agronomy 11 (8). doi:10.3390/agronomy11081605. 

Zeller, A. K., Y. I. Zeller, and R. Gerhards. 2021. "A Long-Term Study of Crop Rotations, Herbicide Strategies and Tillage Practices: Effects on Alopecurus Myosuroides Huds. Abundance and Contribution Margins of the Cropping Systems." Crop Protection 145. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2021.105613. 

Zimmermann, B., I. Claß-Mahler, M. Von Cossel, I. Lewandowski, J. Weik, A. Spiller, S. Nitzko, et al. 2021. "Mineral-Ecological Cropping systems—a New  Approach to Improve Ecosystem Services by Farming without Chemical Synthetic Plant Protection." Agronomy 11 (9). doi:10.3390/agronomy11091710. 



Patent: Camera-guided control of the harrowing intensity for weed control in cereals, Hatzenbichler, Europäisches Patent Nr. 20172753.4 – 1004 vom 26.06.2020.

Kemper R, Böhm H, Rinke N, Gerhards R (2020) Weed suppression and crop yield performance in sole and intercrops of common vetch and spring wheat depending on seed density ratio in organic farming. Journal für Kulturpflanzen, 72 (1). 12–24. ISSN 1867-0911, DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2020.01.02

Mink R, Linn AL, Santel HJ, Gerhards R (2020) Evaluation of Herbicide Safener Treatments using Multispectral Aerial Imagery and Hyperspectral Ground Measured Leaf Reflectance in Maize (Zea mays L.). Pest Management Science, 76(5), pp. 1856-1865. DOI:10.1002/ps.5715.

Zhou L, Hülsemann B, Merkle W, Guo J, Dong R, Piepho HP, Gerhards R, Müller J, Oechsner H (2020) Influence of anaerobic digestion processes on the germination of weed seeds. Gesunde Pflanzen,

Gerhards R, Schappert A (2020) Advancing cover cropping in temperate integrated weed management. Pest Management Science, ( 2020;76: 42–46, DOI 10.1002/ps.5639.

Pätzold S, Hbirkou C, Dicke D, Gerhards R, Welp G (2020) Linking weed patterns with soil properties: a long-term case study. Precis. Agric. 21, 569-588, doi: 10.1007/s11119-019-09682-6.

Machleb J, Peteinatos GG, Kollenda BL, Andujar D, Gerhards R (2020) Sensor-based mechanical weed control: present state and prospects. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2020.105638.

Gerhards R, Santel HJ (2020) Kann die Saatgutbehandlung mit dem Safener Cyprosulfamid die Verträglichkeit von Isoxaflutole in Mais steigern, die Unkrautbekämpfung verbessern und die Wirkstoffmenge verringern? (Can seed treatment of the safener cyprosulfamid increase maize tolerance to the herbicide isoxaflutole, improve weed control efficacy and reduce application rate of cyprosulfamid?). Gesunde Pflanzen, DOI: 10.1007/s10343-020-00519-1.

Schumacher M, Dieterich M, Gerhards R (2020) Effects of Weed Biodiversity on the Ecosystem Service of Weed Seed Predation Along a Farming Intensity Gradient. Global Ecology and Conservation, accepted.

Gerhards R, Spaeth M, Sökefeld M, Peteinatos GG, Nabout A, Rueda Ayala V (2020) Automatic adjustment of harrowing intensity in cereals using digital image analysis. Weed Research, accepted.

Linn A, Zeller AK, Pfündel EE, Gerhards R (2020) Features and applications of a field imaging chlorophyll fluorometer to measure stress in agricultural plants. Precision Agriculture. resubmitted.

Gerhards R, Weber J, Kunz C (2020) Evaluation of weed control efficacy and yield response of inter-row and intra-row hoeing technologies in maize, sugar beet and soybean. Landtechnik, in review.

Gerhards R, Kolleand B, Machleb J (2020) Camera-guided weed hoeing in winter cereals with narrow row distance. Gesunde Pflanzen, in review.

Mink R, Linn AL, Gerhards R, Peteinatos GG (2019) Classification of Herbicide Resistant and Sensitive Stellaria media using Hyperspectral Plant Reflectance and Artificial Neural Network Neuron Weight Analysis. Weed Research, reject and resubmit.

Schappert A, Messelhäuser M, Sturm D, Saile M, Gerhards R (2020) A Critical Study of Cover Crop Weed Suppression during and after Cover Crop Growth. Weed Technology, resubmitted.

Zeller AK, Kaiser YI, Gerhards R (2019) How different crop rotations and herbicide strategies affect Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. (Poales: Poaceae) abundance and resistance development. Weed Research, in review.

Zeller AK, Kaiser YI, Gerhards R (2019) A long-term study of crop rotations, herbicide strategies and tillage practices affecting Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. abundance and contribution margins of the cropping systems. Crop Protection, re-submitted.

Machleb J, Peteinatos GG, Sökefeld M, Gerhards R (2020) Sensor-based intrarow mechanical weed control in sugar beet with motorized finger weeders. Weed Research, resubmitted.

Messelhäuser M, Linn A, Sievernich B, Gerhards R (2020) An agar bioassay sensitivity test for flufenacet and cinmethylin based herbicides. Weed Research, in review.

Bürger, J., Metcalfe, H., von Redwitz, C., Cirujeda, A., Fogliatto, S., Fried, G., Fu Dostatny, D., Glemnitz, M., Gerowitt, B., González-Andújar, J.L., Hernández Plaza, E., Izquierdo, J., Kolářová, M., Ņečajeva, J., Petit, S., Pinke, G., Schumacher, M., Ulber, L., Vidotto, F., 2020. Arable Weeds and Management in Europe. VCS 1, 169–170.

Gerhards, R. & Santel, H.-. 2020, "Can Seed Treatment of the Safener Cyprosulfamid Increase Maize Tolerance to the Herbicide Isoxaflutole, Improve Weed Control Efficacy and Reduce Application Rate of Cyprosulfamid?", Gesunde Pflanzen, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 371-381.

Peteinatos, G.G., Reichel, P., Karouta, J., Andújar, D. & Gerhards, R. 2020, "Weed identification in Maize, sunflower, and potatoes with the aid of convolutional neural networks", Remote Sensing, vol. 12, no. 24, pp. 1-22.


Peteinatos GG, Kollenda B, Wang Pei, Gerhards R (2019) A new logarithmic sprayer for dose-response studies in the field. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 157, 166-172.

Schappert A, Schumacher M, Gerhards R (2019) Weed Control Ability of Single Sown Cover Crops Compared to Species Mixtures. Agronomy 9, 294; doi:10.3390/agronomy9060294.

Peteinatos GG, Sökefeld M, Machleb J, Cambel K, Gerhards R (2019) Identifying the Fusarium spp. infestation in winter wheat based on RGB imaginary, Precision Agriculture 2019 - Papers Presented at the 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, ECPA 2019, pp. 225-230, ECPA-Conference, Montpellier, France.

Linn AI, Mink R, Peteinatos GG, Gerhards R (2018) In-field classification of herbicide resistant Papaver rhoeas and Stellaria media using an imaging sensor of the maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II. Weed Research, 59, 357–366, DOI: 10.1111/wre.12374.

Martinez-Guanter J, Ribeiro A, Peteinatos GG, Perez M, Gerhards R, Bengochea-Guevara J, Machleb J, Andujar D (2019) Low Cost Three-dimensional Modeling of Crop Plants. Sensors 2019, 19, 2883; doi:10.3390/s19132883.

Travlos, I.S.; Montull, J.M.; Kukorelli, G.; Malidza, G.; Dogan, M.N.; Cheimona, N.; Antonopoulos, N.; Kanatas, P.J.; Zannopoulos, S.; Peteinatos, G. (2019) Key Aspects on the Biology, Ecology and Impacts of Johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers] and the Role of Glyphosate and Non-Chemical Alternative Practices for the Management of This Weed in Europe. Agronomy, 9, 717.

Schappert A, Gerhards R (2019) Is the water demand of cover crops determining their weed suppression ability? Plant Soil and Environment? Plant, Soil and Environment, 65, 2019 (11): 541–548 Original Paper


Wang P, Peteinatos G, Li H, Brändle F, Pfündel E, Uhl T, Gerhards R (2018) Rapid monitoring of herbicide resistant Alopecurus myosuroides using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging technology. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 125(2), pp. 187-195, DOI: 10.1007/s41348-017-0131-7.

Wang P, Li H, Gerhards R (2018) A novel chlorophyll fluorescence sensor for real-time herbicide effect monitoring. ASABE 2018 Annual International Meeting; Cobo Center Detroit; United States; 29 July 2018 through 1 August 2018.

Li H, Wang P, Weber JF, Gerhards R (2018) Early Identification of Herbicide Stress in Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging Technology. Sensors 2018, 18, 21.  doi:10.3390/s18010021.

Gerhards R (2018) Weed suppression ability and yield impact of living mulch in cereal crops.  Agriculture 2018, 8, 39; doi:10.3390/agriculture8030039.

Machleb J, Kollenda B, Peteinatos G, Gerhards R (2018) Adjustment of weed hoeing to narrowly spaced cereals. Agriculture 2018, 8, 54; doi:10.3390/agriculture8040054.

Mink R, Dutta A, Peteinatos G, Sökefeld M, Engels J, Hahn M, Gerhards R (2018) Multi-temporal site-specific weed control of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. and Rumex crispus L. in maize and sugar beet using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based mapping. Agriculture 2018, 8, 65; doi:10.3390/agriculture8050065.

Sturm D, Peteinatos G, Gerhards R (2017) Contribution of allelopathic effects to the overall weed suppression by different cover crops.
Weed Research 58, 331-337. DOI: 10.1111/wre.12316.

Zeller A, Yasmin Kaiser, Roland Gerhards (2018) Suppressing Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. in rotations of winter annual and spring crops. Agriculture, 2018, 8, 91; doi:10.3390/agriculture8070091.

Linn AI, Košnarová P, Soukup J, Gerhards R (2018) Detecting herbicide-resistant Apera spica-venti with a chlorophyll fluorescence agar test. Plant Soil Environment, 386-392, doi: 10.17221/110/2018-PSE.

Schappert A, Messelhäuser MH, Saile M, Peteinatos GG, Gerhards R (2018) Weed suppressive ability of cover crop mixtures compared to repeated stubble tillage and glyphosate treatments. Agriculture 8(9), 144, doi: 10.3390/agriculture8090144.

Bezhin K, Santel HJ, Gerhards R (2018) The effect of sugar beet seed priming on sugar beet yield and weed suppressive ability. Journal of Plant Science, 6(4), 149-156, doi: 10.11648/j.jps.20180604.15, ISSN: 2331-0723 (Print); ISSN: 2331-0731 (Online).

 Schumacher M, Ohnmacht S, Rosenstein R, Gerhards R (2018) How Management Factors influence Weed Communities of Cereals, Their Diversity and Endangered Weed Species in Central Europe. Agriculture 8, 172; doi:10.3390/agriculture8110172.

Wang P, Li H, Jia W, Chen Y, Gerhards R (2018) A greenhouse and field capable fluorescence sensor for real-time herbicide effect monitoring. Sensors 18, 3771; doi:10.3390/s18113771


Menegat A, Jäck O, Gerhards R (2017) Modelling of low input herbicide strategies for the control of wild oat in intensive winter wheat cropping systems. Field Crops Research 201, 1-9.

Gerhards R, Bezhin K, Santel H-J (2017) Sugar beet yield loss predicted by relative weed cover, weed biomass and weed density. Plant Protection Science 53, 118-125.

Kunz C, Sturm DJ, Sökefeld M, Gerhards R (2017) Weed suppression and early sugar beet development under different cover crop mulches. Plant Protection Science 53, No. 3: 187–193 doi: 10.17221/109/2016-PPS.

Sturm DJ, Kunz C, Peteinatos GG, Gerhards R (2017) Do cover crop sowing date and fertilization affect field weed suppression? Plant, Soil and Environment, 63(2), 82-88. doi: 10.17221/1/2017-PSE.

Ortrud Jäck, Alexander Menegat, Roland Gerhards (2017) Winter wheat yield loss in response to Avena fatua competition and effect of reduced herbicide dose rates on seed production of this species. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 124(4) 371-382. DOI 10.1007/s41348-017-0081-0.

Weber JF, Kunz C, Peteinatos GG, Santel H-J, Gerhards R (2016) Utilization of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging Technology to Detect Plant Injury by Herbicides in Sugar beet and Soybean. Weed Technology, DOI: 10.1017/wet.2017.22.

Zwerger P, Augustin B, Becker J, Dietrich C, Forster R, Gehring K, Gerhards R, Gerowitt B, Huttenlocher M, Kerlen D, Klingenhagen G., Landschreiber M, Meinlschmidt E, Nordmeyer H., Petersen J, Raffel H, Schönhammer A, Ulber L, Wolber DM (2017) Integriertes Unkrautmanagement zur Vermeidung von Herbizidresistenz. Integrated weed management to avoid herbicide resistance. Journal für Kulturpflanzen 69 (4), 146–149, ISSN 1867-0911, DOI: 10.1399/JFK.2017.04.03.

Weber J, Kunz C, Peteinatos G, Zikeli S, Gerhards R (2017) Weed efficacy of Conventional Tillage, Reduced Tillage, No-Tillage and Cover Crops in Organic Soybean. Agriculture 7/43, 1-13. doi:10.3390/agriculture7050043.

Kunz C, Weber JF, Peteinatos GG, Sökefeld M, Gerhards R (2017) Camera steered mechanical weed control in sugar beet, maize and soybean. Precision Agriculture,


Kunz C, Sturm DJ, Varnholt D, Walker F, Gerhards R (2016) Allelopathic effects and weed suppressive ability of cover crops. Plant Soil and Environment, Vol. 62, 2016, No. 2: 60–66, doi: 10.17221/612/2015-PSE.

Peteinatos G, Korsaeth A, With Berge T, Gerhards R (2016) Using optical sensors to identify water deprivation, nitrogen shortage, weed presence and fungal infestation in wheat. Agriculture, 6, 24; doi:10.3390/agriculture6020024.

Kunz C, Sturm DJ, Peteinatos GG, Gerhards R (2016) Weed Suppression of Living Mulch in Sugar Beets. Gesunde Pflanzen, 68, 145-154, DOI 10.1007/s10343-016-0370-8.

Gerhards R, Dentler J, Gutjahr C, Auburger S, Bahrs E (2016) An approach to investigate the costs of herbicide resistant Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. Weed Research 56, 407-414, DOI: 10.1111/wre.12228.

Wang P, Peteinatos G, Li H, Gerhards R (2016) Rapid in-season detection of herbicide resistant Alopecurus myosuroides using a mobile fluorescence imaging sensor. Crop Protection 89, 170-177.

Hägele F, Nübling S, Schweiggert RM, Baur S, Weiss A, Schmidt H, Menegat A, Gerhards R,  Carle R (2016) Quality improvement of fresh-cut endive (Cichorium endivia L.) and recycling of washing water by low-dose UV-C irradiation. Food and Bioprocess Technology, Food and Bioprocess Technology 9 (12), 1979-1990. DOI: 10.1007/s11947-016-1782-2.

Sturm DJ, Kunz C, Gerhards R (2016) Inhibitory effects of cover crop mulch on germination and growth of Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Chenopodium album L. and Matricaria chamomilla L.. Crop Protection 90, 125-131.

Menegat A, Bailly GC, Aponte R, Heinrich GMT, Sievernich B, Gerhards R (2016) Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) amino acid substitution Asp376Glu in Lolium perenne: effect on herbicide efficacy and plant. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, DOI 10.1007/s41348-016-0023-2.


Rueda-Ayala V, Jäck O & Gerhards R (2015) Investigation of biochemical and competitive effects of cover crops on crops and weeds. Crop Protection, (2015) pp. 79-87
DOI information: 10.1016/j.cropro.2015.01.023.

Keller M, Boehringer N, Moehring J, Rueda-Ayala V, Gutjahr C & Gerhards R (2015) Analysing three decades of field experiments in winter cereals in southwestern Germany: changes in weed communities, tested herbicides, yield levels and effect of weeds on yield. Gesunde Pflanzen 67/1, 11-20, DOI: 10.1007/s10343-014-0335-8.

Rueda-Ayala V, Peteinatos G, Gerhards R, Andújar D (2015) A non-chemical system for online weed control. Sensors 2015, 15(4), 7691-7707; doi:10.3390/s150407691.

Kunz C, Weber J F, Gerhards R (2015) Benefits of precision farming technologies in mechanical weed control in soybean and sugar beet - comparison of precision hoeing with conventional mechanical weed control. Agronomy 2015, 5, 130-142; doi:10.3390/agronomy5020130.

Kunz C, Schröllkamp C, Koch H-J, Eßer C, Schulze Lammers P, Gerhards R (2015) Potentials of post-emergent mechanical weed control in sugar beet to reduce herbicide inputs.  Landtechnik – Agricultural Engineering 70(3), 2015, 67–81.

Willeke L, Krähmer H, Claupein W & Gerhards R (2015) Sprouting ability and seasonal changes of sugar concentrations in rhizomes of Calystegia sepium (L.) R. BR. and roots of and Convolvulus arvensis L. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 122 (3), Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 122 (3), 133–140, 2015, ISSN 1861-3829.

Kaiser Y, Gerhards R (2015) Degradation and metabolism of fenoxaprop and mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron in multiple resistant blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides). Gesunde Pflanzen, DOI 10.1007/s10343-015-0343-3.

Bezhin K, Santel H-J, Gerhards R (2015) Evaluation of two chemical weed control system in sugar beet in Germany and the Russian Federation. Plant Soil and Environment, Vol. 61, 2015, No. 11: 489–495; doi: 10.17221/482/2015-PSE.

Gantoli G, Oebel H, Gerhards R, Agossou DSM, Rueda-Ayala V (2014) Socio-economic reasons for high weed infestations in northwestern Benin maize (Zea maize L.) production systems. African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 10(53), pp. 4967-4974, DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2015.10425.

Hägele F, Baur S, Menegat A, Schweiggert R., Gerhards R, Carle R (2015) Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging for monitoring the effects of minimal processing and warm water treatments on physiological properties and quality attributes of fresh-cut salads. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12/2015; DOI:10.1007/s11947-015-1661-2.

Jäck O,  Menegat A, , Ni H & Gerhards R (2015) Efficacy of reduced rates of two ACCase-inhibitors and their influence on population dynamics parameters of Avena fatua in winter wheat. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, in review.