Diagnoseverfahren zur Detektion der Herbizidresistenz an Unkräutern im Feld, geoinformationsgestützte Dokumentation, Ursachenanalyse und Managementempfehlungen

Project begin
Project end

Farmers and consultants often reported about weed populations surviving herbicide applications that in previous years had been effective controlling these populations. In Germany, herbicide-resistant populations of Apera-spica-venti L. Beauv. and Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. are widely spread causing significant financial losses for farmers. The aim of this project is to reduce costs and problems associated with herbicide-resistant weed population developing precise in-season diagnosis systems using chlorophyll-fluorescence imaging and PCR-technologies. If herbicide-resistance has been proofed for suspicious weeds in the field, farmers have the chance to control these weeds with other methods and thus prevent yield losses and propagation of herbicide-resistant weed seeds. A GIS-based databank will be set up to document fields with herbicide resistant weeds and analyse their spatial and temporal variability. In addition to that field studies will be conducted to work out strategies to avoid and overcome the problem of herbicide-resistant weed populations in crop rotations. During the project, new technologies for diagnosis of herbicide-resistance in weed species and strategies to avoid and overcome this problem will be implemented and tested in practical farming and extension practices.

Involved persons

Involved institutions

Further Information


Publications in the course of the project