Variable rate technology for herbicide application
- Publication Type
- Book chapter
- Authors
- Sökefeld, Markus
- Year of publication
- 2010
- Published in
- Precision Crop Protection - the Challenge and Use of Heterogeneity
- Editor
- Erich-Christian Oerke and Roland Gerhards and Gunter Menz and Richard A. Sikora
- Pubisher
- Springer Verlag , Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York
- 978-90-481-9276-2
- Page (from - to)
- 335-347
Variable rate technology (VRT) is used for the application of various agricultural inputs in order to respond adequately to the within-field variability of environmental factors like soil properties, incidence of pests and crop parameters. The areas in plant production in which VRTs are used are highlighted. For the variable rate application of herbicides commercial as well as research solutions are described. The use of VRT for herbicide treatment with regard to pre-emergence and post-emergence applications and the requirements are described. The potential of further herbicides savings due to an additional variation of herbicidal ingredients in consideration of herbicide sensitivity of single weed species and groups of weed species, respectively is shown and evaluated.