Site-Specific Weed Management
- Publication Type
- Book chapter
- Authors
- Gerhards, R. and Christensen, S.
- Year of publication
- 2006
- Published in
- Handbook of precision agriculture: principles and applications
- Editor
- A. Srinivasan
- Pubisher
- Food Products Press, an imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc. , Binghamton, NY
- 978-1-56022-954-4
In most developing countries, farming is the best safety net against hunger, and keeping production costs under control without sacrificing crop yield is essential for survival. 'The Handbook of Precision Agriculture' presents up-to-date research, field studies and practical applications from around the world to help agricultural scientists and farmers work together to design a farming methodology that improves productivity, profitability and sustainability. This book offers a comprehensive guide to basic principles and technologies and crop-specific applications.