Exploring the effect of turning manoeuvres on the multipath planning of a robot fleet in agricultural tasks
- Publication Type
- Contribution to conference
- Authors
- Jesus Conesa-Munoz and Peter Lutman and Dionisio Andujar and Angela Ribeiro and Cesar Fernandez-Quintanilla and Jose Dorado
- Year of publication
- 2012
- Published in
- Proceedings of first RHEA international conference on robotics and associated high-technologies and equipment for agriculture
- Editor
- Andrea Perruzi
- Pubisher
- Pisa University Press srl , Pisa, Italy
- 9788867410217
- Page (from - to)
- 339-344
- Conference name
- RHEA2012
- Conference location
- Pisa, Italy
- Conference date
- September 19-20-21, 2012