DFG Research Training Group 722 Use of Information Technologies for Precision Crop Protection
- Publication Type
- Journal contribution
- Authors
- Erich-Christian Oerke and Roland Gerhards
- Year of publication
- 2009
- Published in
- it - Information Technology
- Band/Volume
- 51/6
- 1611-2776
- Page (from - to)
- 347-354
In an interdisciplinary approach Research Training Group 722 investigates methods and technologies for a site-specific and efficient control of weeds, pathogens, and nematodes in agricultural crops. By utilizing and developing innovative sensor techniques, geo-information systems, data processing and control techniques, pest control measures are applied only if, when and where economically needed. The spatial and temporal heterogeneity of incidence and distribution of pests in the field is assessed using remote sensing techniques and global positioning systems. For on-line and off-line applications these data are analysed in decision support systems considering a spatial component. Spatially and temporally precise pest control is achieved by using sensor-guided equipment. The short-term effects, i. e., the efficacy of control of weeds and diseases, and long-term effects of site-specific control strategies on the incidence and distribution of pests in the field are monitored by using technical sensors again. The documentation of all steps in these pest management systems may contribute to develop new production standards and to demonstrate the ecologic benefits of this crop protection strategy. The generation and management of information on the incidence of pests with high spatial resolution and its implementation in precise control systems will enable a targeted and resource-preserving integrated pest management system under high productivity conditions, which is economically successful, environmentally sound and socially acceptable.