Detection and identification of weeds
- Publication Type
- Book chapter
- Authors
- Weis, Martin and Sökefeld, Markus
- Year of publication
- 2010
- Published in
- Precision Crop Protection - the Challenge and Use of Heterogeneity
- Editor
- Erich-Christian Oerke and Roland Gerhards and Gunter Menz and Richard A. Sikora
- Pubisher
- Springer Verlag , Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York
- 978-90-481-9276-2
- Page (from - to)
- 119-134
This section reviews the approaches for the automation of weed detection. Site-specific plant protection needs to address the varying weed infestation, but the automation is only partially solved and research is still ongoing. The properties for plant species distinction as well as approaches that use them are presented. The focus is on image based methods, of which an example is given.