Chlorophyll Fluorescence Microscreening as a Rapid Detection Method for Herbicide Resistance in Grass Weeds in North China Plain Winter Wheat Production Systems and Beyond
- Publication Type
- Contribution to conference
- Authors
- Alexander Menegat and Yasmin Kaiser and André Stephan and Hanwen Ni and Roland Gerhards
- Year of publication
- 2011
- Published in
- 23rd Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference -- Weed Management in a Changing World
- Conference name
- 23rd Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference
- Conference location
- Queensland, Australia
- Conference date
- 26.--29. Sep. 2011
The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the most important winter wheat production areas in the world. A double cropping system of winter wheat followed by summer maize in one year is the most common cropping practice in the NCP. However new crops and agricultural practices including chemical weed control measures are introduced in this area. Alopecurus japonicus Steud., Aegilops squarrosa L. and Bromus japonicus Thunb. ex Murr. have been found to be the most abundant grass weeds in winter wheat. In 2008 and 2009, A. japonicus seeds have been collected from different locations in the NCP to conduct herbicide efficacy studies. Besides conventional greenhouse bio assays a new in situ rapid resistance test has been developed and tested. This new resistance test is based on PAM-imaging chlorophyll fluorescence measurements to study the efficacy of soil active herbicides on weeds grown in petri dishes filled with an agar-herbicide solution. In the greenhouse bioassay for chlorotoluron a resistance factor of 11.9 was found for the NCP biotypes compared to the sensitive control biotype. The petri dish bioassay has clearly verified this result. With this new method it is possible to evaluate the herbicide efficacy for a large number of biotypes with a minimum requirement of time and space. Therefore it is well suited for high throughput biotype screenings. An accelerated identification of resistant grass weed biotypes and thus a prompt resistance management in the field will be of great importance for the North China Plain and other intensive agricultural areas in the world.