Herbicide resistance as a driver for future decisions on weed management measures

Project begin
Project end

Winter annual crop rotations are more and more challenged by the developing herbicide resistance esp. on grass weeds, on which farmers currently pay attention only, once resistance is established in their fields. Since only a few MOAs are available for reliable weed control in these crop rotations, a missing pro-active Weed Resistance Management considering the farmerĀ“s economic and agronomic environment is jeopardizing the effectiveness of the current market products by forcing the development of Target-Site-Resistance and Non-Target-Site-Resistant mechanisms like enhanced metabolism. In addition no new active ingredients or MOAs are known to be introduced within the next years, to offer a new tool to control resistant weeds. Preserving the efficacy of herbicides is therefore a growing challenge in offering reliable solutions for weed control to the farmer. Aim of the project is to understand geographical distribution, profile, dynamic and impact of weed resistance.

Involved persons

Involved institutions

Further Information


Publications in the course of the project